Doing Yoga But Not Losing Weight

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Woman doing yoga on a black yoga mat in a living room - Doing Yoga But Not Losing Weight.

If you are practicing yoga and not losing weight, you may feel as if you are doing something incorrectly. This is because several factors go into weight loss with any exercise or practice. The same applies to yoga.

To lose weight with yoga, you must be sure you are doing what best fits your body. This includes the type of yoga you practice as well as what you eat.

Keep reading to find out what might work best for your weight loss journey with yoga, how long it can take to lose weight, and more answers to common questions. 


Is Yoga Sufficient for Weight Loss?

Yes, yoga can be sufficient when it comes to weight loss. Some types of yoga are often paired with a special diet, which is seen to be the most helpful in some cases. However, some diets that are often associated with yoga can be unsuitable for certain body types. 

A lack of sufficient nutrients can stress the body and cause it to hold onto fat. More active forms of yoga can help to burn calories and fat in the body, usually leading to weight loss. However, more active yoga can often be more difficult to maintain.

The best option for a lot of people is actually more meditative yoga when it comes to weight loss. The relief of stress and more presence in the body can result in losing weight and better health overall. What yoga works best for you depends on your body and mind. 


How Long Does it Take to Start Losing Weight With Yoga?

How long it takes for you to start losing weight with yoga depends on the type of yoga and your body. Weight loss can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. With more rigorous yoga practices, people usually see results sooner.

Yoga, in this case, would usually have to be a more active type. You would have to practice at least 3 to 5 days every week for an hour or so. The upside is you could see results in as little as two weeks.

It will likely take several months for more relaxed forms of yoga that involve more meditation or practice less often. Each of these scenarios can also vary depending on your body type and health habits. 


Is it Normal to Gain Weight after Yoga?

It is not normal per se to gain weight after yoga, but it can happen. Most forms of yoga take strength in the muscles to perform. These forms of yoga will strengthen the muscles over time and can result in some weight gain because of that, depending on your body type. 

Another reason you could be experiencing weight gain after yoga is your calorie intake. Yoga can be very difficult, but it is not cardio, so it often does not burn as many calories as people think. 

Inexperienced practitioners will often feel hungrier afterward until they gain the strength necessary, causing them to overeat.

Those who are inexperienced also tend to strain themselves, hold their breath, and become stressed about their lack of skill. All of these things can lead to the holding of fat, overeating, and weight gain. 


What Should You Eat After Yoga for Weight Loss?

After yoga, you should eat a nutritious meal if you want to lose weight loss. Yoga can often sap the body of its energy due to how rigorous it is. Because of this, you need to replenish the nutrients in your body.

Nutritious meals can include anything healthy generally. For example, you can focus on protein-heavy foods such as eggs, yogurt, or nuts. On the other hand, a well-rounded meal is always good after yoga to balance your body.

In general, raw fruits and vegetables are always a good go-to if you are unsure about what foods would be beneficial to you. 

However, remember to wait 30 minutes after your practice to eat. Several different yoga teachers recommend this so your body may recenter itself. 


What Shouldn’t You Eat Before and After yoga?

You should not eat heavy or unhealthy foods before or after yoga. In general, avoid foods that are high in sugar. Sugar is unhealthy for the body and can affect you, especially during the time surrounding a workout. 

Before a workout, you should try to avoid heavy meals. These meals include things like large amounts of carbs or meats. Also, avoid foods high in fiber and anything else that can lead to you feeling indigestion.

After a workout, you should avoid unhealthy foods such as those high in sugar and fats. Unhealthy foods after a workout can be detrimental to a practice. Your body requires nutrients after a workout and will hold onto whatever you give it. 


Final Thoughts on Doing Yoga But Not Losing Weight

Weight loss is a long and difficult journey. You may want to take shortcuts when you discover this, but you must be patient with yourself and your body. Weight loss in yoga, especially, can be time-consuming and frustrating.

With this, be sure to focus not on calories but on the healthiness of your diet to pair with your practice. Take time to find what yoga practice works best for your body and your mind. Your weight loss journey will truly begin when you work with your body rather than against it.