Is it Better to Meditate on an Empty Stomach or Does it Matter?

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Woman meditating on a red yoga mat - Is it Better to Meditate on an Empty Stomach or Does it Matter?

Meditation is a process that takes focus and concentration. Therefore, there are plenty of things to focus on while practicing meditation. One of those things is your eating habit, and should you practice meditating on an empty stomach.


Should You Meditate on an Empty Stomach?

Yes, meditating on an empty stomach is the best time to meditate, especially soon after waking up. This is because the body on an empty stomach allows you to reach the deepest emotional states when meditating. 

Also meditating on an empty stomach is the best after waking up because you are able to focus on the day it is in front of you, prepare for the things you are expected to do, as well as relax enough in case you have a tough day coming. 

There are plenty of benefits of meditation. both mental and physical, and that is why it is important to do it properly. 

If you plan to meditate right after lunch or after a long and tiring day, you should know that it is not as good as doing it in the morning while you are alert and on an empty stomach, where your body will not use the energy to digest food.


Why Is it Bad to Meditate on an Empty Stomach?

Meditating on an empty stomach is never bad unless your body is deprived of food. In that case, it may be difficult to focus on anything, especially meditating, which requires a great deal of focus. Therefore, meditating while fasting may not be effective. 

Meditating on an empty stomach is only recommended because it is supposed to be done in the morning, or a couple of hours after having a meal. Doing meditation on an empty stomach is not bad for your health per se, it is just not effective.


What About Doing Meditation After Waking Up?

Meditation after waking up is the best time to do it. This is when the body and mind are most relaxed, least distracted, and have the most energy. That way you are able to mentally prepare for the day and manifest your ideas and plans.

Meditation in the morning is the best time because your body is prepared for it the most, while you are fresh and energized. Meditation in the morning has not only mental, but also physical benefits that can improve your health and general well being. 


For How Long Should You Meditate on an Empty Stomach?

Because this is the best time to meditate, there is no specific time minimum or maximum to meditate. You can meditate for as short or as long as you would like on an empty stomach.

It all kind of depends on your own body and its ability to endure meditation on an empty stomach. 

But you do need to listen to its signals. If you feel hungry and tired, you should stop with the meditation, because it makes no sense to practice it if you are not able to focus on the process. 


Is it Better to Meditate Soon After Eating or on an Empty Stomach if You’re Short on Time?

It is much better to meditate on an empty stomach than soon after eating if you’re short on time. 

Meditating soon after eating is never a good strategy because the body is utilizing most of its energy to digest food, and therefore there won’t be as much energy for meditation. However, as previously discussed, a meditation on an empty stomach is ideal. 


Final Thoughts on Meditating on an Empty Stomach

Meditation takes focus, and doing it on an empty stomach is recommended. But, of course, you should practice it in the morning when your body is in the best shape to properly meditate.

In case you are short on time and you are unclear whether to eat first and meditate after, you should rather pick a shorter meditation than a longer meditation right after lunch. In any case, the best way to do it is to practice meditation in the morning.


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